e diel, 5 prill 2009

Semi Truck for X-ing

It's finally finished. It took me a long time to texture, but I sure learned a lot doing it.

11 komente:

Tyson Murphy tha...

whoa. amazing.

Anthony Holden tha...

So much fantastic work lately, young Brother Black. You are great.

El Fro tha...

Very nice work.

Aaron Ludwig tha...

This is great. "Roxie's Revenge"! I love it.

Ty Carter tha...


Josh H. Black tha...

Jake again you make me proud to be your twin brother. Stellar work

prashant tha...

This is much fantastic work
Work from home India

Joe Cressssss tha...

How freakin cow!

Anonim tha...

What type of artwork is this?Vector? Can I hire you to do something similar for me? Respond to matt@edominators.biz, or leave your email on the blog response.

Unknown tha...

Great work, I am interested in using a variation of this for a logo

Unknown tha...

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